Ticketing Core

Products & Ticketing

Bobcat Products Server with its BoB Product API and works together with Bobcat Ticketing Server with BoB Ticket API, enabling BoB compliant MTB tickets for paper and mobile apps as well as account based travel using MTS7 and EMV.


Bobcat Authentication Server implements the BoB Authentication API and provides BoB authentication tokens to BoB clients.

Bobcat Device Server implement the BoB Device API providing raw device signing keys to validation services as well as dervied device signing keys to mobile applications (e.g., via Mobile Application Device IDP).

Bobcat MTS7 IDP provides JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to clients operating on behalf of a user holding a MTS7 travel card.

Bobcat Mobile Application Device IDP (aka MAD) provides mobile applications with authentication and key mangement.

Travel Card Management

Bobcat Token Server implements the BoB Token API and provides information and hints management about MTS7 travel cards.

Bobcat Token Factory is a provisioning interface for the MTS7 card personalization provider and is responsible for issuing ID MTBs.

Backend Support

Bobcat Stina is a product design and deployment tool used to configure Bobcat Products as well as Bobcat Sales.

Bobcat Wildcat is a web-based dashboard used by ticketing professionals for in-depth introspection of many parts of the Bobcat system.

Bobcat Metadata Client provides BoB metadata management for all Bobcat components.

Validation Services

Bobcat Onboard Validator performs onboard/platform validation of MTB tickets and can be deployed on hardware from multiple vendors, e.g., Access-IS and FARA.

Bobcat Online Validator is an server component assisting in validation of MTB tickets in always online environments.

Bobcat Dynconf provides realtime updates of validation metadata such as keysets, white- and blacklists, etc. via MQTT and HTTP.


Bobcat Sales provides an advanced ticket sales platform with an extensive API implementing both traveller and vendor based sales. Bobcat Sales integrates with several 3rd party payment solutions:

Bobcat Purse is a standalone traveller purse ledger keeping track of the customer purses.

Bobcat Messenger is our SMS and email gateway connecting to Bobat Sales via AMQP. Multiple SMS and email providers are supported, and more can be added with little effort. Messenger currently ships with support for:


Bobcat Ticketing utilize well proven infrastructure components to ease deployment and deliver robust operations: